i like it
a lot of cool sounds coming out of one instrument, it's a cool take on ambient music. the distorted lead guitar riff comes off a bit loud tho eh, kinda clashes with the chill vibe
i like it
a lot of cool sounds coming out of one instrument, it's a cool take on ambient music. the distorted lead guitar riff comes off a bit loud tho eh, kinda clashes with the chill vibe
Yeah? I appreciate the honesty. I'll play around with the levels and see what comes of it. Or did you mean the lead kills the chill mood all together? Thanks for your kind words, man!
cool song bro!
as far as advice, i noticed some of those synthesizers tended to distort when they got into the higher notes. higher notes are naturally just louder, so when i hear that stuff happening i like to try to lower the volume of the higher notes to balance out and help the melody blend better. i love everything in this, but those higher melodies get sort of overpowering. ;]
And one more reason for me to get to the musical line: I didn't know higher pitched notes are that much louder. Or actually I didn't think about it at all, of course I have sometimes noticed it but haven't really thought about it. Thanks for this little tip, it's really helpful for any future projects too! ^^
it's happy as fuck, i dig it. and the melody makes me think of donkey kong country for some reason. there's some cool countermelodies in this as well. and the break is hardcore. i am impressed. and i am a man who is not impressed easily. i stroke my beard to you, good sir.
Yours is a fantastic beard, sir. Thank you for this comment.
*tell your friends about this song*
electronic music was meant to be experimental :]
loving the bass sounds in this. the only thing i have against this is that while the lead modulates a lot and creates a lot of fun sounds, it only actually covers like, a couple different pitches. you could add a lot of musicality to this sound by either making use of a key signature, or adding more chromaticism. don't get me wrong, it rocks hardcore. but there's a couple things you could do to make it more interesting. introducing some kind of higher melody / harmony would help a lot. but that's just how i feel about it.
haha yeah true i realised that it was getting a bit repetetive after the third riff thing or so but it was still just so fun to keep going haha
Thanks for the review man!
the whole first half of the song i was like "wtf this is ambient as hell" and then by the end it was like hoooooly shit that was totally a jazz... in my face :O :I xI :]
haha yeah i dont know how that happened
i totally didn't to mean turn it into jazz that's just how it worked out
pure brilliance!! srsly its trippin me the fuck out and i dont wanna stop loopin it!!!
why thank you kind sir
come cool stuff
most of it sounds like robot cock, ear rape. the synths in the background do some cool chord buildup shit and i really like that, but the robot rape noises take away from a lot of it for me.
Thank you. You just experienced dubstep! =)
the distortion sounds almost hendrixish
once again, you are the balls.
look at some of my stuff. its worth a peek.
I am the balls! cool!
Thank you kind sir I will listen to your cheesemonkeybill music and give it the ultimate 5/5 vote that it surely deserves.
Thanks again ye warrior of the round table.
i wish i had the balls to just say "fucket" and bash my shit into the mic. its like a massive "f you" to newgrounds, i love it!
damn, cockrider, you are the balls of the audio portal.
Thank you kind knight of the warroir realm.
More stupid war music on the way!
im an angry monster made entirely out of poop, who eats babies, and terrorizes NGs with nether-stiffening electronic music and offensive garbage. you might as well dance to my techno music while you quake in fear.
Age 33, Male
Corvallis, OR
Joined on 5/8/04